The first model is a grav tank form Antenociti's Workshop. This is a fantastic model, with lots of great detail, nice clean aesthetics thats different from all the Moar Skullz Gothic vehicles you see today, and it fits together perfectly, practically no sanding required. My one problem was that no instructions were included, and their website had none, despite the packaging saying that the instructions were there, leaving me with two springy shock-absorber type things that I had no idea what to do with, and in the end I left them off. The model was undercoated black with Wilkinson's spray paint, then drybrushed with succesively lighter shades of grey to achieve the texture seen here. The areas around the engines and thrusters recieved a yellow to orange drybrush and some orange ink as appropriate.
The second load of models are NSL Panzergrenadiers from Ground Zero Games. I really like these figures-they are nice and armoured without looking over the top and silly like space marines. They have a nice clean aesthetic to them which lends itself well to drybrushing. The figures were undercoated black, then simply drybrushed grey. The visors were painted light blue. The flesh on the helmetless figures is GW bronzed flesh with a Flesh Wash to shade.
The next set of figures are more GZG, this time ESU heavy infantry. They were sprayed black (noticing a pattern here?) then drybrushed a dark grey of some sort (humbrol acrylics, can't remember which one and the labels are long since gone), then another drybrush of lighter grey. Faces are various mixes of bronzed flesh and different browns, to reflect the multiculturalness of the Union.
Next- yet more GZG. This time Japanese Mercs. These were also sprayed black, then drybrushed boltgun metal. I then blue inked the central tabard, the drybrushed more boltgun metal over the top to retain the metallic look. Flesh was some mix of bronzed flesh and bleached bone. I'm not entirely happy with it, and may redo later.
Next is Painless Joe from Heresy. This is a fantastic model- very big and full of character- a word of advice, though. A 40mm base is not quite big enough for him, as I found out, so make sure you order him with a nice big base. He was sprayed back, the the fleshy bits were painted bronzed flesh then washed with flesh ash (yes, this is my default method for flesh), then the massive gun, ammo belt and backpack were drybrushed boltgun metal. The base was done with sand and cat litter, painted black then drybrushed with shades of grey. This really is a fantastic model, which my paint-job really doesn't do justice to.
Last of my contributions are a pair of scavengers from EM4 miniatures. Very nice models, very flavourful. Arrived deflashed and primered, which was a nice touch. Can't remember how I painted these guys as it was a while back.
Next are a few GZG Kra'Vak painted by my brother, who's a much better painter than me.
Also from my brother is a piece of scenery- an old Robogear walker glued in a crashed position to a CD, then covered over with filler. Then painted brown and a load of static grass stuck on. I think he went a bit overboard with the static grass myself, but at least he's actually finished a terrian piece, unlike me.